Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Moving Up

Hi again!
Lately I have been a bit lazy when it comes to updating, and I'm sorry about that. I have been informed that you need to register to post comments so I guess thats why its only a few thats bothered to post.
The grinding has been rough and I am lacking a bit of motivation, that is why I have decided to adjust my Bankroll requirement to 200BB at least for now , this gives me the chance to start playing at $1-2 now..
Hopefully this will give me some more inspiration and motivation, and it will be nice to start enjoying the "Aces never lose" promotion wich pays you $25 on $1-2 every time you lose with pocket Aces.
I read in another blog by the guy who started a similar project like this that the tortoise gets the cheddar, and I do feel very much like a tortoise these days, grinding and trying to stay focused and on track , however I feel I'm not getting much of the cheddar yet.
So let's hope there will be alot of cheese at $1-2 , it sure would make me happy!!

The stats are as follows: Hours played : 34 and total BR : 411$

Still way behind schedual , but lets hope I'll catch up soon!

Until next time , Seeya!!

1 comment:

Sacrife said...

Yeah. U need a blogspot account to post a comment. You could link to an offsite for comments at the end of your posts where it doesnt require login to do so.
Anyways. Good luck on your turtling and keep us posted.