Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yes, thats exactly what I have been doing lately, I have been trying to go forward, but have been ending up going backwards. This is one of the reasons I haven't put in as many hours as I wished.
Anyway things have stabilised a bit after a horrible downswing and again the arrows are pointing up. I am way behind schedual at this point but I feel i haven't been getting my fair share of the cake so far. So I hope things will turn around for the better soon.
My main goal at this point is to just climb through this $0,5-1 level and get started at $1-2 , because of the "aces never lose" promotion does not pay unless you play $1-2 and higher. And this would help my income alot, because i have been getting ALOT of Aces cracked..
The stats of today are as follows: Hours played 28 and total BR = 343$

I was hoping that i would have started playing $1-2 by now but it seem like i will have to wait atleast another week until i'm there. Wish me luck and until next time , SEEYA!!

PS: I would appreciate comments ;)


Madammen said...

Hi hot stuff;)Keep your head high, and your tilts low, and suddenly you can be walking whereever you want honey;)

Sacrife said...

Staa paa!