Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hi again!
I have been enjoying a couple of days off since the last blog, I thought i needed the time to reflect a bit, and just clear my mind.. So i was watching some football and actually had a little party here in me and my girlfriends apartment , was a good time!

Anyway I started playing again yesterday but I didnt get the time to update the blog, so I'm a little late, but I managed to lay in a couple of hours today aswell. I thought i should sum up the two here.

As you can see from my headline it is still going slow. Even though i felt that my game was way better after my little break, i still ended up steaming a bit, after some evaluation i concluded that when i end up playing in some shorthanded 3-handed or headsup games, i often get tilted. So what I will have to do from now on , is to try and avoid those shorthanded games. Anyway the arrows are still pointing up so at least that is a good thing.

As for now the stats are as follows : Hours played : 17 and total BR : 287$

This isnt really as good as i was hoping but all i can do is hope for better days and continue to grind it out!!

Thats it for now guys, be sure to post some comments so i can get an idea of how many are following!

Until Next time - Seeya!!

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