Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Moving Up

Hi again!
Lately I have been a bit lazy when it comes to updating, and I'm sorry about that. I have been informed that you need to register to post comments so I guess thats why its only a few thats bothered to post.
The grinding has been rough and I am lacking a bit of motivation, that is why I have decided to adjust my Bankroll requirement to 200BB at least for now , this gives me the chance to start playing at $1-2 now..
Hopefully this will give me some more inspiration and motivation, and it will be nice to start enjoying the "Aces never lose" promotion wich pays you $25 on $1-2 every time you lose with pocket Aces.
I read in another blog by the guy who started a similar project like this that the tortoise gets the cheddar, and I do feel very much like a tortoise these days, grinding and trying to stay focused and on track , however I feel I'm not getting much of the cheddar yet.
So let's hope there will be alot of cheese at $1-2 , it sure would make me happy!!

The stats are as follows: Hours played : 34 and total BR : 411$

Still way behind schedual , but lets hope I'll catch up soon!

Until next time , Seeya!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yes, thats exactly what I have been doing lately, I have been trying to go forward, but have been ending up going backwards. This is one of the reasons I haven't put in as many hours as I wished.
Anyway things have stabilised a bit after a horrible downswing and again the arrows are pointing up. I am way behind schedual at this point but I feel i haven't been getting my fair share of the cake so far. So I hope things will turn around for the better soon.
My main goal at this point is to just climb through this $0,5-1 level and get started at $1-2 , because of the "aces never lose" promotion does not pay unless you play $1-2 and higher. And this would help my income alot, because i have been getting ALOT of Aces cracked..
The stats of today are as follows: Hours played 28 and total BR = 343$

I was hoping that i would have started playing $1-2 by now but it seem like i will have to wait atleast another week until i'm there. Wish me luck and until next time , SEEYA!!

PS: I would appreciate comments ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hi again!
I have been enjoying a couple of days off since the last blog, I thought i needed the time to reflect a bit, and just clear my mind.. So i was watching some football and actually had a little party here in me and my girlfriends apartment , was a good time!

Anyway I started playing again yesterday but I didnt get the time to update the blog, so I'm a little late, but I managed to lay in a couple of hours today aswell. I thought i should sum up the two here.

As you can see from my headline it is still going slow. Even though i felt that my game was way better after my little break, i still ended up steaming a bit, after some evaluation i concluded that when i end up playing in some shorthanded 3-handed or headsup games, i often get tilted. So what I will have to do from now on , is to try and avoid those shorthanded games. Anyway the arrows are still pointing up so at least that is a good thing.

As for now the stats are as follows : Hours played : 17 and total BR : 287$

This isnt really as good as i was hoping but all i can do is hope for better days and continue to grind it out!!

Thats it for now guys, be sure to post some comments so i can get an idea of how many are following!

Until Next time - Seeya!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Downhill to Strikes and Spare's

Yes, thats actually what i have been doing these last hours of play.
After I was getting along pretty good in the beginning , and found myself up over 120BB total, I have been losing, and I have been losing alot. And this is where my real challenge lies, in minimizing my losses, at this point this is something i really suck at , and because of how bad i played now i will have to take some days off, and hope to get back in the game when i feel ready to grind it out. The lack of profit can ofcourse be partly blamed by cold cards, but mostly when i get like 4-5 bad beats on a row i begin steaming like crazy, and often cripples my stacks in a very short time.

Anyway the stats are as follows : Hours played: 13 and total BR = 219$

This Puts me behind schedual and I will have to hope for better days.

Finally I can add that me , my girlfriend (madammen) and Gunman with his Girlfriend was out bowling yesterday and had ourselves a couple of beers, was really nice and ofcourse i ended up winning both rounds of bowling. ;)

Might be a couple of days until the next update now , but until next time


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

So it begins...

So it finally happened, i got the dollars i was waiting for so i could start my project.

I must admit, i didnt start out with $200 , but $215.. so i gave myself a bit of a head start.

The site i will be playing at is Wsex, because of the 100% rakeback, and the great significanse of the rake on those small limits..

So i started out playing 3 tables of 0,5-1$ fixed limit Hold em, I found my self in a pretty good state of mind and had gained some motivation through reading a couple of books and felt ready for my challenge.

The first half hour went by and i was cruising along as i found myself up like 20BB, but then things turned.. i flopped the nuts with AA on the flop A 9 3 with 2 spades, the turn came 8 of spades and this guy led into me, and i decided to reraise, he just called , but when the river came the J of spades i had to check behind and watch him take it down with KQ and the Q of spades.. After that hand i didnt seem to make many hands and actually i was steaming for a while.. i played too many pots and made som bad calls.

But after all i managed to climb my way back over to the plus-side and ended up a total of $18 dollars up as you can see from my PT-screenshot

So as you see my Stats after day 1 is $18 up and i have $109 in pending rakeback after almost 7hours of play so I am actually a bit ahead of schedule.

Thats it for this time , and I'll keep you posted.

Until next time - See ya

Friday, March 2, 2007

From Zero to Hero

Hello there!

I just thought i could make a little introduction of myself:

My name is Tommy Ruud, and I'm a 23 year old pokerplayer from Kolbotn, Norway. I have a Lovely Girlfriend and we share a nice apartment together.
I have been playing poker or Texas Hold em that is , for about 6-7 years. I have been playing mostly Fixed limit Holdem for the past few years and have been playing any limit from 1-2$ up to 30-60$..
But Lately i have been running bad and also been in some kind of semi-tilt state of mind every time i have been sitting down at a "internet Pokertable". This is actually why i created this blog , to get the seriousity up a noch and hopefully turn things Around.
Lately I have been reading some blogs and posts on several forums about people starting some kind of grinding projects, and i find it really exciting to follow it.
This Inspired me to start a Project on my own, I have decided to call it From Zero to Hero.

Basicly what I will do is, try to convert 200$ into $20 000 in 200 hours, i will start at 0,5-1$ with a 200 BB bankroll and move up in limit when i have 300BB for the next level. This meaning i will be moving up to 2-4 at $1200 and 3-6 at $1800 and so on...

I hope to get started by Wednesday and Will keep you all posted on the results.

Wish me luck

Until next time , see ya!